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By Loyola University on Wed, 09/28/2022 - 10:38


(New Orleans – September 28, 2022)感谢威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特基金会的慷慨捐赠, the Selley Foundation, the Edward G. Schlieder Educational Foundation, and the Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation, 洛约拉大学新奥尔良护理与健康学院将与Ochsner Health合作,于周六自豪地开设一个最先进的护理模拟实验室.
The new $1.位于洛约拉大学校园的900万罗约拉奥克斯纳护理模拟实验室(“模拟实验室”)是一个高科技装备的中心,让学生沉浸其中, hands-on learning opportunities in simulated inpatient and outpatient settings, as they prepare for careers in hospitals, labor and delivery rooms, emergency rooms, and other clinical settings.
模拟可以在一个安全的环境中复制临床实践,并为护理专业的学生提供机会,通过各种真实的情境体验来实践他们的临床和决策技能, without compromising a “real” patient’s well-being.
“能够在模拟环境中在高科技人体模型上练习基本护理技能是我们很高兴为学生提供的宝贵机会, and we are so grateful to everyone who helped to make the Sim Lab possible,” said Dr. Cherie Burke, director of the School of Nursing.

“无论学生是在练习简单的任务,比如测量血压,还是更高级的护理实践技能,比如接生, 这些实践经验和机会允许教师在那一刻停下来,提供详细的指导和反馈. 他们还让学生有机会在真正的医疗环境中工作之前一遍又一遍地问问题和重复技能.”

最先进的体验式学习空间将用于教育学生在洛约拉和奥克斯纳的联合 Bachelor of Science in Nursing program for undergraduate students and Loyola’s new accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program, initiating in January 2023. ABSN项目是为在护理以外的领域拥有学士学位或更高学位的职业转换者设计的. 洛约拉大学各个专业的研究生也将使用模拟实验室.

The Sim Lab furthers Loyola’s partnership with Ochsner, 哪些项目为大学的本科生提供临床培训和实习机会, eliminating common barriers for nursing students. 这两个项目还得到了旗舰项目奥克斯纳学者计划的支持, a tuition assistance program for aspiring nurses, 承诺在经过认证的学校接受教育后成为奥克斯纳员工的专职卫生工作者和医生. 奥克斯纳学者是“2030年健康国家”合作倡议的一项重要投资, 这是一项雄心勃勃的计划,与洛约拉等合作伙伴一起,将路易斯安那州从全国健康排名的末尾提升出来,帮助易胜博获得更好的健康, well-being, education, and workforce development opportunities.

这些投资至关重要,因为近年来医疗保健人力挑战不断增加. The U.S. Bureau of Labor projects more than 1.1 million new nurses will be needed by 2030.

“奥克斯纳和洛约拉的合作伙伴关系教育学生在最高水平的医疗保健培训, 将道德和对卓越的热情承诺置于我们所做的一切的最前沿,” said Dr. Leonardo Seoane, Chief Academic Officer of Ochsner Health. “In partnering with Loyola, 我们利用本地区的人力资本,为路易斯安那州的护理人员创造一条清晰的道路. 我们相信,这个新的模拟实验室提供的高水平资源是培养下一代护士的关键.”

洛约拉的新模拟实验室配备了高保真的人体模型,能够模仿根据护理学生提供的干预改善或恶化的医疗条件. 这些栩栩如生的人体模型非常复杂,反应灵敏,设计得像人类一样反应.
洛约拉购买的几个模拟器包括一个代表足月怀孕成人腹部的模拟器,由“扮演”病人的角色的人佩戴. 这个模拟器可以让学生体验各种分娩场景,并练习他们评估女性怀孕并发症的技能.

“学生还可以在模拟实验室中使用其他可穿戴模拟器,由其他学生或患者演员(称为标准化患者)佩戴,旨在为学生提供更真实的患者体验。, including simulating the feeling of contractions,” Burke said. 其他可穿戴假肢可以让护理学生学习如何放置导尿管,并练习在脆弱的情况下与病人一起工作.

各种成人和儿童模拟人体模型也让学生磨练技能, such as airway management, CPR, heart and lung sound assessment, and participation in common clinicals scenarios like excessive blood loss, cardiac arrest, and stroke. 额外的模拟设备将被购买,以允许高级护理实践的学生建立专业知识与护理技能,如气管插管, addressing cardiac issues, and management of seizures.

“In the new Sim Lab, undergraduate nursing students will have the chance to ask questions, adjust, 在真正的医院或诊所进行现场培训之前,反复排练他们的反应,” said Dr. Michelle “Shelli” Collins, dean of the College of Nursing and Health. “他们进入临床轮转,准备好应对,最终将从他们四年的累积教育中脱颖而出,成为准备就绪的护士.” 

The campus community will celebrate on Saturday, 10月1日上午10:30在博贝特大厅的伊格内修教堂举行私人奉献仪式.m. We will move to the Lab in Monroe Hall at 11 a.m. for a blessing of the new space and live demonstrations. Demonstrations will at approximately 12:30 pm, in time for the university’s White Coat ceremony for nursing students, which starts at 1 p.m. in Ignatius Chapel. 

What’s a White Coat ceremony? Find out all about it. We held our first one on campus last year. 

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